Raptor1 is devoted to keeping unwanted and uncooperative objects out of close airspace. Our focus:
Airspace Biosecurity. Raptor1’s experts have a long history of deterring wildlife from airspace, using acoustic and visual deterrents, based on the latest species-specific information to maximize deterrent effects.
Uncooperative Drone Threat Detection. Closely tied in with our biosecurity threat detection in airspace, Raptor 1 is pushing the boundaries of new optical sensors, such as neuromorphic cameras, for the passive detection and alerting of uncooperative drones in secure airspace.
Edge and Far Edge Device Development. Deployed and networked devices that monitor and interdict wildlife and other threats.
R1 is developing receiver stations, suitable for GOV and DoD installations, that integrate into the MOTUS network
R1 is currently pursuing non-dilutive funding through DoD SBIR, SRDEP and ESTCP grant opportunities.
Current Programs
DoD-grade MOTUS stations that meet DoD contract security requirements (e.g., hardware restrictions from prohibited vendors). For more information on the Raptor1 MOTUS program please click here or here for more general info regarding the MOTUS network.
Strike avoidance using Raptor1’s Airfield optical detection system to identify and warn pilots and controllers (ATC) for presence of birds or uncooperative drones.
Invasive species interdiction devices using AI technologies (computer vision) to ID and trap invasive species while avoiding non-targets deployed on military installations and ranges.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(512) 761-7286